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New Client Paperwork

Kindly print, fill out and bring in at the time of your first appointment.

ALL information is kept confidential. Thank you!

Date of first appointment:____________________________________________________ 
Name: _______________________________________________________________
Date of Birth: ___________________________________________________________ 
If you are here for a child, please list his/her name and date of birth.___________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________Home Phone: ________________________ 
Work Phone: ________________________
Cell Phone: _________________________
E-Mail Address:_______________________ 
Health Insurance Plan: _________________________
Telephone Number: ___________________________ 
I.D. Number: ________________________________
Insured’s Name: ___________________________ Date of Birth:__________________
Insured’s Employer: _________________________   
Your Religion: ________________Do you attend church?__________________________
Your Occupation: ___________________________
Hours worked per week: ___________ 
Place of Employment: ________________________ 
Shift: ______________ Years:________________ 
Job Responsibilities:_______________________________________
Marital Status:______________ Date of Marriage: __________
Years together with partner: _____ 
Spouse’s/Significant Other’s first name:_____________________ 

List Each Child’s 
Name:                                 Age:                     Grade in School:                    Sex: 
Were there any difficulties with any of the pregnancies or deliveries? _________________________ 

You do not need to answer the rest if you are here for your child.

Have you ever served in the military? _______________ 
If so, when? _______________________ 
Are you involved in any litigation at the present time? ___________________________________ 
What do you like to do in your spare time? __________________________________________
Do you have any special talents or hobbies? _________________________________________
Who referred you for counseling at this time?________________________________________
Do you drink alcohol? ________________
If so, how frequently/how much? __________________ 
Do you smoke marijuana? ____________
If so, how frequently/how much? ___________________ 
Do you use any non-prescription medications? _______________________________________ 
Do you have any allergies? ____________________________________________
How much caffeine do you consume each day? ________________________________ 
Do you smoke cigarettes? ___________________ 
Have you in the past? _____________________ 
Name of Primary Physician: _______________________ 
Date of last physical exam: __________ 
Do I have your permission to communicate with his/her office, if necessary? ___________________ 
Do you have any physical problems? ___________________________________________
History of Prior Surgeries: _________________________________________________

Please list any prescription medications you are currently taking: 
Name:                                           Start Date:             Dosage:                   Frequency: 
Have you taken any anti-depressant medications in the past and if so, when and what? ___________________________________________________________________ 
What were the results? _____________________________________________________ 
Do you have trouble sleeping? _________________________________________________
Do you or have you ever had panic/anxiety attacks? _____________________________________
Have you ever had thoughts of suicide? ____________________________________________
Have you lost a close friend or family member through death recently?_________________________ 
Do you have any pets? If so, please list: ____________________________________________________________________ 
Do you have any family members who have suffered from emotional or psychiatric disorders? _________ 
If so, whom? __________________________________________________________ 
Did you have any learning/attention problems in school?_________________________________ 
What would you perceive your current stresses to be?___________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
What are some of the areas you would like to explore in therapy? ___________________________________________________________________
Please use the following space to add any information you think may be helpful in the counseling process: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 

Thank you for taking the time to let me get to know you.  I am so excited to begin working with you.